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We welcome the fellow workers of Concentrix Szczecin on board. We wish you every success in your union activities!

Article is in English because there are many different nationalities working in this coorporation so the message can also get to these workers.

"Join us to strengthen the voice of employees in company decisions and gain a defence against dismissal, unequal treatment and devaluation of merit. Concentrix advertises by promising career development - including help with upskilling, equal pay, equal treatment, numerous bonuses and formal programmes to support the community. All while taking steps to prioritise employee wellbeing.

Over the past two years, employees have been organising in the workplace and meetings with management have only exacerbated problems. Even to the point that the company created its own business creation - *Workers Representatives. The Internal Workers Representatives were supposedly elected democratically - even though fellow workers who were on leave or sick leave did not even know about this creation, let alone a ‘democratic’ election). We know that this was a counter action because the workers wanted to organise as a union.

Systems that do not work, workers who were and are burdened with more work and are not paid for it. While the company is making profits and opening new branches (e.g. in Katowice) it was mentioned that there is no budget for wage increases. Despite the fact that it is even a matter of good tone to give a raise in view of the current economic crisis. But, the priority indicated during the talks is more modern offices, paid for by the work of exploited workers, whose pay is the same as 3 years ago.

Many people, fearing the consequences, did not speak out about certain issues and decisions with which they disagreed. They kept quiet so they wouldn't lose their jobs, their bonuses, at the expense of their mental wellbeing - these are the steps a company takes to prioritise - YOUR wellbeing.

If a larger group comes together in a union, the greater the chance of realizing better working conditions and better wages, and above all, realizing all the promises the company offers on its pages to potential and current employees.

We are committed to building a large, solidarity-based and inclusive employee representation.

We want to shape together a friendly and fair workplace - for everyone. Only solidarity, joint action will allow us to achieve what is really good for the workers and not only the nice words on their website!

*We also want to take a closer look at the Internal Workers Representatives and explain why this is a Union busting action by the corporation.

  • Union busting is a practice where companies take steps to prevent or disrupt the formation of labor unions, which are designed to protect workers' rights and advocate for better wages, benefits, and working conditions. When a company creates a workers' representative body or internal union that is controlled by the company, rather than being truly independent, this will be seen as form of union busting.

  • The case of Concentrix in Szczecin, Poland, the company created an internal workers' representative body that was voted on by employees but controlled by the company, this should be interpreted as an attempt to undermine independent union activity. This strategy involve the company promoting a group or representative that aligns more with corporate interests than with workers' rights, thus preventing the formation of a more effective, independent union.

This practice is problematic for several reasons:

  1. Lack of Independence: When a workers' representative body is established by the company, it lack the independence necessary to advocate for workers' rights effectively. The representatives may prioritize the company's interests over those of the workers, leading to compromises that benefit the employer rather than the employees. As well as they can put pressure on the representatives such as corporate pressure, conflicts of interest, or even fear of retaliation.

  2. Co-optation of Worker Power: By creating an internal representative body, the company co-opt the power that workers should have through an independent union. This weakens workers' ability to negotiate for better conditions and wages.

  3. Legal and Ethical Concerns: Such practices are considered illegal or unethical, as they undermine workers' rights to freely organize and join independent unions. If Concentrix's actions in Szczecin fall into this category, the company could potentially face legal challenges or public criticism under Polish labor law.

  4. Suppression of Genuine Union Activity: The creation of a company-controlled workers' representative body discourage workers from joining or forming an independent union. Workers might feel that their efforts to unionize are unnecessary if a representative body already exists, even if that body does not genuinely advocate for their best interests.

  5. Worker Distrust: Such actions foster distrust between the company and its employees. Workers feel that their voices are not truly being heard and that the company's actions are more about maintaining control than genuinely addressing their concerns.

Concentrix, like many large corporations, operates within a capitalist framework, which lead to practices that are exploitative. In capitalist systems, the primary goal of businesses is to maximize profits for shareholders, which results in practices that negatively impact workers. There are several ways in which Concentrix is perceived to exploit its workers, based on both our experiences and ongoing challenges:

*CNX = Concentrix

  • Wage Suppression: CNX pay workers as little as possible while maximizing output. As mentioned in our last meeting with Concentrix management, there is no budget for wage increases marking the second consecutive year without pay raises for many workers, and the third year for some, despite rising inflation and the increasing cost of living. Meanwhile, they have reinvested the profits generated by the workers' labor into opening new branches. This results in employees working for wages that do not match the value they create for the company or are insufficient to meet the cost of living in their area.

  • Intensive Workloads: To increase productivity, CNX assign workers heavy workloads, leading to stress, burnout, and poor work-life balance. Workers in call centers like those run by CNX face high-pressure environments where they are expected to meet strict performance metrics.

  • Inadequate benefits and or curtailed benefits: Workers at CNX do not receive adequate benefits, such as paid leave or retirement plans. Some employees are favored, while others are pitted against each other in competition for small benefits, requiring them to put in excessive effort for minimal rewards. This leaves workers financially vulnerable and force them to work under conditions that are not conducive to their long-term well-being.

  • Job Insecurity: The rise of precarious work, including temporary contracts, part-time work, and outsourcing, leads to job insecurity. Workers feel that they are easily replaceable, leading to fear of losing their jobs and a lack of bargaining power when it comes to demanding better conditions.

  • Global Outsourcing: Companies like CNX outsource jobs to countries where labor is cheaper. Why do you think they opened branches in Poland? It’s not just to provide work, as they often proclaim, but to take advantage of cheaper labor. While this can create jobs in those countries, it also leads to exploitation as workers face lower wages, fewer protections, and poorer working conditions than workers in more developed economies.

  • Union Suppression: Corporations actively work to suppress labor unions, which are crucial for protecting workers' rights. By preventing unionization, CNX can avoid having to negotiate for better wages, benefits, and working conditions.

  • Surveillance and Control: Workers are subjected to extensive surveillance, including monitoring of their productivity, communications, and even bathroom breaks. This creates a dehumanizing and stressful work environment where employees feel constantly watched and pressured.

  • Profit Over People: Ultimately, in a capitalist framework, the focus on profit maximization leads to decisions that prioritize financial returns over the well-being of workers. This manifest in a range of practices that undermine workers' rights, safety, and overall quality of life.

👉To join a real union:

Write to Important: contact us using your private equipment and email address.

We will help you to fill in the membership declaration.

Without struggle, don't count on a better life!
Solidarity is our weapon!
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